
Showing posts with the label activated charcoal deodorant

Lead an Active Lifestyle? You Need Natural Deodorant with Charcoal!

Can your current deodorant keep up with you? If you lead an active lifestyle, you may demand a lot out of your deodorant. Whether you have a physically demanding career or you spend a lot of time at the gym, you want a deodorant that keeps pace. Charcoal Deodorant It’s time to try a natural deodorant with charcoal ! Of course, ingredients make a difference. You want a natural deodorant made with specific ingredients that can keep up with your active lifestyle. You also want a deodorant made with ingredients that work with your skin. You can get all of that with a natural charcoal deodorant. With ingredients like activated charcoal, naturally mined baking soda, and ethically sourced tallow from grass-fed cows, you can elevate your deodorant experience—and finally get that deodorant that keeps pace. Here’s why it’s time to make natural charcoal deodorant your new go-to deodorant. Take Care of Odor—Naturally! There are conventional deodorant ingredients that can help take care of odor

3 Ways Natural Charcoal Deodorant Redefines How You Stay Fresh

What’s so special about charcoal deodorant? More people are in search of alternatives to conventional deodorants. They want to reduce the number of potentially toxic skincare ingredients in their daily lives—ideally to zero. A great way to do that is to swap out skin and personal care products one by one. When it comes to deodorant, many people are making the swap from their old-school deodorant to natural charcoal deodorant . Charcoal Deodorant This kind of deodorant can be made with safe, effective, and natural ingredients. There’s no aluminum, parabens, talc, or artificial fragrance. Instead, it can be made with more wholesome ingredients. These are the kinds of ingredients you can feel confident in applying to your skin—and sharing with your family. How else can charcoal deodorant redefine how you stay fresh? Harness the Power of Charcoal Charcoal is a remarkable compound. It can absorb and bind to all sorts of other compounds thanks to its complex shape. Charcoal is

Here’s Why Now is Great Time to Start Using a Charcoal Deodorant

Is now the right time to switch deodorants? The truth is, there’s no right or wrong time to switch deodorants. But if it’s something that‘s been on your mind or you’ve considered it in the past, why not make the leap? There are a lot of great natural deodorants out there—including deodorant with charcoal. If you want a deodorant that’s safe and effective for yourself or for your whole family, charcoal deodorant can be an ideal option. It can keep things simple while still delivering the results you expect from this kind of skincare product. Why is “now” the perfect time to make the leap to charcoal deodorant ? This is why! Charcoal Deodorant You’ve Been Thinking About Trying a New Deodorant If it’s already on your mind, why not give it a try? You can easily find high-quality deodorant with charcoal online and ready to ship to your door. In some cases, you can even sign up for a charcoal deodorant subscription. You may never have to think about adding “deodorant” to your shopping list

4 Benefits of Switching to a Natural Deodorant

Everyone sweats. It's a necessary bodily function, but that doesn't mean you enjoy the odor that goes with it. Before you reach for the deodorant on your counter, you should know what you're putting on your body. Many deodorants on store shelves have harsh ingredients known to cause skin sensitivity or pose health risks. So, what's the solution? Make the switch to a natural deodorant .  Natural Deodorant Why Natural Deodorant? If you're using a generic store-bought deodorant, read the label. Do you see words like aluminum, parabens, phthalates, and triclosan? These toxins are linked to numerous health issues, primarily as they help preserve the deodorant and block your body's natural sweat glands—not to mention they aren't good for the environment. Switching to an effective natural deodorant made with simple, organic ingredients that are natural and safe is often the first move toward a clean-living natural skincare routine. It says a lot about how you rel

Everything You Wanted to Know About Charcoal Deodorant

You’ve undoubtedly heard about using charcoal in the health and beauty aisle. Charcoal has made its way into everything from shampoo to toothpaste, face creams, and more as the “it” ingredient. Still, many people don’t understand what charcoal deodorant does or why it’s so effective. After all, how could a resource associated with a backyard barbeque be something you should use on your body? If you’re interested in switching to charcoal, here is a quick guide to help you decode safer deodorant.  Charcoal Deodorant Why Choose Charcoal Deodorant? When you hear “activated” charcoal, it’s not the same charcoal you’d use on a grill. When activated, charcoal binds to toxins, ridding the body of unwanted substances. Hence, a deodorant with charcoal draws out the bacteria and toxins that cause odor to help eliminate it. The powdered charcoal to a deodorant provides powerful results as activated charcoal is absorbent enough to soak up wetness contaminated with bacteria that causes odor. Why

3 Reasons Why Charcoal Works as a Deodorant Ingredient

Charcoal deodorant has been around for a while now. You may have seen it and you may have tried it. You might have wondered, “What makes charcoal deodorant special?” Or you might have asked, “Why add charcoal to deodorant?” There are a few different answers to these questions, and you’ll find them below! Charcoal deodorant does things a little differently than other natural deodorants. This kind of product can have many of the same ingredients as similar natural deodorants, with the primary difference being the addition of charcoal—or activated coconut charcoal, in some instances. Here are a few reasons why charcoal can work as an effective deodorant ingredient. Charcoal Deodorant Charcoal Helps Deodorize The number one reason most people use deodorant is to deodorize. They want something they can trust to last for hours, if not a full day. There are a lot of ingredients that lend themselves to deodorizing. Baking soda is one ingredient common in natural deodorants, added with the ex

Skincare on a Hike? Add These 3 Products to Your Day Pack!

Skincare on a hike? When you leave home and head out to your favorite trail (or a new-to-you trail), you can keep up with your skincare and self-care. In some cases, maintaining a certain level of care while on the trail can be beneficial for your skin. Have you ever spent the day outdoors only to notice that your skin is irritatedor your lips are chapped? There are a few things you can add to your day pack that put you in control. These are skincare products that can help nourish skin while keeping it feeling great, mile after mile. Even better, these are products you can find made with simple, good-for-you ingredients, like deodorant with charcoal . Hiking will never be the same!  Charcoal Deodorant A Way to Keep Refreshed Throughout the Day Going for a hike means you're constantly on the move. And when you're constantly on the move, you're sweating. Sweating can result in odor and skin irritation. Odor isn’t always the biggest concern while on the trail and now it real

4 Ways Charcoal Deodorant Can Save Your Day

Have you experienced the odor-fighting power of charcoal deodorant? Even if you haven’t, you’ve probably seen it. You may have wondered if it might work for you. The only way to answer that question is to try it for yourself. There are plenty of ways a high-quality charcoal deodorant can “save” your day. This kind of deodorant has a lot in common with those made with other natural and organic ingredients. It’s a straightforward kind of deodorant, but it’s ready to help you fight odor and be there when you need it most. Here are four ways this kind of deodorant can save your day. There Aren’t Any Harsh Chemicals to Think About Harsh chemicals, you say? Some conventional deodorants and antiperspirants can contain harsh or potentially toxic ingredients. These can include (and are certainly not limited to) parabens, triclosan, talc, propylene glycol, and artificial fragrances. There may even be ingredients that you're sensitive to that others might not be. Charcoal deodorant and deo

3 Reasons to Switch to Charcoal Deodorant

Conventional deodorants can help control underarm odor throughout the day. But they often do so with a few tradeoffs. Some conventional deodorants work by blocking sweat glands and pores. Others work by masking odor with strong, artificial fragrances. Charcoal Deodorant Deodorants made with natural ingredients do things differently. This includes charcoal deodorants formulated with ingredients sourced from nature. What makes charcoal deodorant special? Why should you make the switch? Here are three reasons why adding charcoal deodorant to your daily routine can be a great idea. Charcoal Deodorant Works without Compromise Even if conventional deodorants work as intended, there’s often a tradeoff. They can rely on potentially harsh ingredients that shouldn’t be on your skin. They can block sweat glands and aren’t always beneficial for the overall well-being of your skin. On the other hand, charcoal deodorants made with simple, natural ingredients skip potentially problematic and toxi

How Charcoal Enhances Deodorant and These Other Self-Care Products

Charcoal is a versatile ingredient that’s found in many skin and self-care products. But it might not always be clear why it’s added. It turns out charcoal can play an important role when used in certain products. From deodorants to facial cleansers, charcoal serves a specific function. In charcoal deodorant , activated charcoal can help reduce odor. How does charcoal work? Here’s a look at why activated charcoal is added to certain self-care products and how it can enhance your routine. Charcoal Deodorant Why Activated Charcoal is Added to Certain Skincare Products Activated charcoal is a non toxic ingredient, and it can help detoxify. It can also help deodorize, by extension. Much of what we associate with underarm odor is caused by bacteria. When those bacteria and their byproducts are better controlled, the result is reduced odor. If you’re looking for an effective deodorant that isn’t made with harsh or synthetic additives, deodorant with charcoal and other natural

Fall Is a Natural Time of Year to Clean Up Your Beauty Products

We naturally slow down at this time of year. Maybe we sleep in a little later in the mornings because the sun isn’t up yet. Or we slow our hectic pace in exchange for nesting activities. We are actively taking inventory of what’s going to get us ready for the cold days ahead. Part of that should include looking at the personal care products that are going to serve you best this season. It’s time to consider new skin-loving products like a natural deodorant made with simple organic ingredients or a restorative beauty cream for dehydrated skin. Here are a few reasons why supporting your skin with non-toxic skincare products is one of the changes to consider making. Turn Over a New Leaf It’s always inspiring to initiate change as a way to embrace the seasons. Fall is a great time of year to eat foods that are being harvested right now and cook with your bounty. Being outside or enjoying crisp fall hikes while you can is another activity you may enjoy. Or perhaps you want t