
Showing posts with the label clean dry shampoo

3 Ways to Celebrate National Innergize Day

National Innergize Day on September 23 is the perfect day to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy much-needed me-time after a long, hectic summer season. Finding time to focus on yourself can be a struggle with the hustle and bustle of work, home life, and, let’s be real, the constant distraction of social media. Here are three ways to fully embrace this ‘innergizing’ holiday. Innergizing Yoga and a Tallow Balm Massage Start your National Innergize Day off right with a therapeutic, stress-relieving yoga session. A guided restorative yoga session in the comfort of your own home can help you reduce stress, gently enhance your flexibility, deepen relaxation, and focus on the mindful awareness that this national holiday is all about. Follow your restorative yoga session with a self-massage using tallow balm to soothe your muscles and joints. Tallow, a fat from cattle, has long been used in traditional medicine to soothe sore muscles and relieve achy joints. Today, ethically sourced tallow from

3 Skincare Tips as You Recover From a Summer of Sun

Summer might not quite be over, but that doesn’t mean it’s too soon to start your summer sun skin recovery. This kind of skincare puts a greater emphasis on hydrating and nourishing your skin, from your head to your toes. As summer slowly meanders to an end, you might notice changes in your complexion. Time in the sun leaves skin irritated and red or dull and tired. These aren’t immediate changes, like a sunburn after a few hours in the sun, but changes that happen over weeks or months. How do you start your skin’s recovery? You can use everything from nourishing tallow balm to soothing cream. These high-quality skincare products work with irritated or damaged skin to restore balance. Give Back to Your Skin After Every Bath or Shower When your skin is clean and damp, it’s a great time to apply an ultra-nourishing and moisturizing skincare product like natural body butter. This product will melt into your skin when you apply it after bathing. A body butter made with ethi

3 Skincare Goodies Made for a Relaxing Day of Self-Care

Every once in a while, a day comes along when we can just relax. It might be one of those days completely free of obligations. Imagine it: no emails to answer, no calls to make, no errands to run, no appointments to attend, and no kids to wrangle. It’s just you and whatever you want to do. These are the kinds of days when indulging in self-care should be the only item on your nonexistent to-do list. All you have to do is reach for a jar of dreamy vanilla body butter made to enrich your skin and your senses. Of course, that’s just one indulgence. Here are a few skincare essentials made for your relaxing day off. Start Your Day of Relaxation with Some Steamy Aromatherapy There’s nothing quite like stepping into a steamy shower to awaken the senses. Now, what if you add some aromatic delights to the mix? Put yourself on the path to relaxation with a shower steamer. This is the kind of product you can place on the shower floor just outside the flow of water. As botanical

Start Summer with These Top Skincare Tips for Happy Skin All Season!

Summer is here—is your skin ready? Summer is the season of fun and sun. With all that sun, you can put your skin through the wringer. The sun and heat can draw out precious moisture. On top of that, the sun’s rays can leave skin irritated and red. Even with sun protection, time outdoors can leave your skin dull and dry. What can you do to keep your skin happy during this season of fun and sun? You can take all kinds of steps, but we’ll focus on three to help keep your skin soothed, moisturized, and protected. This is more than “just” relying on conventional sun protection. It’s about taking a few extra steps—and it might just include luscious vanilla body butter ! Give Back to Your Skin Every Time You Cleanse Before we get to the dreamy body butter, we have to consider how we cleanse. How you cleanse your face or body can make a difference in how your skin feels. Summer can be a good time to rely more on cleansers that help clean away daily grime while helping to restore skin. This

Did You Know Aromatic Skincare Can Soothe the Body and Mind?

Do you enjoy natural aromatics in your skincare? These can be aromatics like blue tansy, lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint, to name a few. You can find these scents in products like natural deodorant, natural body oil, and natural body butter. And these are real, natural scents—nothing artificial and nothing labeled as a nondescript “fragrance.” Natural Dry Shampoo What’s not to love about essential oils derived from real plant sources, like blue tansy essential oil from real blue tansies? Some botanical oils and aromas can have an influence on your mind and body. When you enjoy a blue tansy natural body oil , for instance, the delicate, floral scent of blue tansy can be uplifting for you while helping to soothe irritated skin. Here are a few other ways natural aromatics can influence your mind and body. Bringing Refreshing Aromatics to Natural Deodorant Some conventional deodorants can have some wild scents. These can be generic scents like “mountain forest clearing”

4 Tips for Making the Swap to Natural Products Easier

If you are new to natural, you may struggle to swap out some of your favorite conventional products. Maybe you’re unsure if natural alternatives perform the same or if you’ll achieve inferior results, which is understandable—when you find something that works, why change it? If your products compromise your health and well-being, that’s an excellent reason to change. Fortunately, going ‘au natural’ is only getting more accessible as the demand for natural products grows exponentially as consumers demand better, safer options. Natural Dry Shampoo Start Slowly Ease into the swap to avoid overwhelming yourself. Baby steps lead to significant changes in time. Start with one thing and build on that, like switching to a non-toxic natural dry shampoo instead of your go-to conventional dry shampoo. Have fun discovering new ingredients and educating yourself on the benefits. Regarding dry shampoo, look for one containing kaolin clay and organic arrowroot powder, as they absorb moisture while

Top Clean Beauty Swaps to Make for a Healthier New Year

While creating your New Year’s resolutions, it always feels good to add goals that you know are attainable and will contribute to your overall well-being. One of your goals for the next year may be to start incorporating more non-toxic home and beauty products into your life. You and everyone in your family deserve safe everyday essentials like natural deodorant , cleansing oil, and others. The best part is making the non-toxic swap is easier than you think. Let’s take a look at a few related to skincare, haircare, and personal care products, as well as a few for the home. Seasonal Skincare: Stay One Step Ahead of Dull, Dehydrated Skin Your winter skincare routine should focus on preventing your skin from becoming dehydrated. Moisture levels in your skin naturally drop during these cold months, which can cause your complexion to look dull and be more susceptible to sensitivities. Swap out your conventional cleansers, serums, and moisturizers and choose products made with

3 Ways to Give Your Holiday Hair and Skincare Routine a Personal Touch

Glistening, cellophane-wrapped holiday skincare bundles with conventional products certainly look festive, but there’s probably a distinct lack of natural products in these bundles. Plus, their ingredients aren’t something to celebrate. Instead of pretty packaging, creating your own all-natural hair and skincare routine is in your best interest this holiday season. You can choose personalized products and enjoy the soothing and restorative sensations of non-toxic beauty, like natural deodorant , natural dry shampoo, and bar soap. To assemble an effective, all-natural skincare routine, follow these tips for an extra personal touch. Cater to Your Skin’s Needs The holidays may be a lovely time of year, but when seasons change, so can your lifestyle and stress levels. That means your skin could need different kinds of support from one season to the next. It’s crucial to cater to your skin state regardless of shortened skincare routines and busy schedules. From oily to normal